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Upper St Clair School District Collective Bargaining Agreement

by Jill & Cathy on November 5, 2022

Upper St. Clair School District Collective Bargaining Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Upper St. Clair School District serves the community of Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania, and is committed to providing high-quality education to its students. The district has a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with its teachers, which outlines the terms and conditions of their employment. As a professional, I have compiled essential information about the Upper St. Clair School District CBA and the impact it has on the district`s education system.

What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement?

A collective bargaining agreement is a legally binding contract negotiated between an employer, such as a school district, and a union representing the employees, such as a teachers` union. The CBA outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including salaries, benefits, working conditions, and job security.

The Role of the Upper St. Clair School District CBA

The Upper St. Clair School District CBA outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its teachers, which includes:

1. Salaries: The CBA specifies the salaries teachers will receive. Salaries are determined based on the teacher`s level of education and experience.

2. Working Hours: The CBA includes the working hours for teachers, including the number of days in the school year, the length of the school day, and the number of preparation periods.

3. Benefits: The CBA outlines the benefits teachers will receive, including health insurance, dental insurance, retirement benefits, and sick leave.

4. Grievance Procedures: The CBA includes procedures for resolving disputes between teachers and the school district.

5. Job Security: The CBA includes provisions that protect teachers from arbitrary termination or layoff.

Impact of the Upper St. Clair School District CBA on Education

The Upper St. Clair School District CBA has a significant impact on the district`s education system. The CBA ensures that teachers are paid fairly and have access to benefits that improve their quality of life. The CBA also provides job security for teachers, which helps to retain experienced and qualified educators in the district. This, in turn, ensures that students receive high-quality education from experienced and knowledgeable teachers.


The Upper St. Clair School District CBA is an essential contract that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its teachers. The CBA provides job security, fair compensation, and benefits for teachers, which ultimately leads to a better education system for students. For more information on the Upper St. Clair School District CBA, visit the district`s website or contact the district`s human resources department.

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