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Quick Tip – It’s in the Bag! Easy Plan for Vacation Outfits

by Jill & Cathy on June 12, 2014

It's in the bag!  Quick tip to help you make getting your kids dressed while on vacation easier from The Curriculum Corner.This tip is brought to you by Jill because she was so in love with the simplicity of an idea Cathy shared with her last year for packing for family vacations.

When Cathy packs the bags for her kids for vacations she puts each outfit in a separate large Ziploc baggie.  The outfit is complete with matching clothes, underwear and socks.  (I don’t know about your kids, but Jill’s youngest, Evan, can’t match clothing to save his life.  What?  There’s something wrong with a red shirt, purple shorts and orange socks?? Come ON, Mom!!)

Anyway – something so easy has made life so much easier on vacations.  Each day the kids pick out a bag and don’t even have to THINK about what they are putting on…and you can be sure you won’t have to send them back to their suitcases to put on something less “clown-like”.

Needless to say, we are both super excited to start doing this for our girls because we can complete those baggies with bows, headbands, cute socks, hats, sunglasses, jewelry, matching nail polish…oh wait…we might be getting ahead of ourselves! 🙂

Come to think of it…this might not be a bad idea for husbands, too! 😉

Try this EASY tip!  I promise you it makes life on vacation a little easier.  Wait…vacations are stressful?  THAT’S a post for another time!  In the meantime have a GREAT summer vacation!

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