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Vacation Fun Easter Basket

by Jill & Cathy on April 2, 2015

A beach themed Easter basket to kick off your spring break by The Curriculum CornerIf your boys are anything like ours, they make it difficult to create a fun Easter basket that contains items that will actually get used!  We could fill them with little toys but those always end up in the bottom of a bin once the day is over and we feel like we wasted our money.  Our goal this year was to put together baskets our boys would enjoy and that we knew contained items that would get used.  We think we succeeded!  We used beach buckets because what boy doesn’t like digging in the sand (even our oldest get caught up in this!)  We stuffed it with a beach towel, swim trunks, swim shirt, goggles and flip flops.  We also purchased a water gun to add to the fun.  What boy wouldn’t love this basket?

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