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LEGO Christmas Ornaments

by Jill & Cathy on December 9, 2012

During the holiday season it is often difficult to find crafts for my boys.  It seems like everything we find is just a little too girly for them!  Last year we came up with the idea of making Lego Christmas ornaments – they loved it!  They are simple to make and make great gifts for friends.  We purchased our supplies through Amazon…


These ornaments are so simple, everyone in the family will be able to help!  Have your child fill the ornament with their favorite Legos.  My sons like to find a person, a tire or another Lego they think will look funny to add.

Once it’s filled, put the pieces together.  If you want the ornament to stay together, seal it with a few drops of super glue.  When we were gifting these to friends of my sons, we decided to leave them unsealed so they could play with the Legos if they chose.  Add a ribbon and a tag.  If you don’t want to make your own tags, here are the ones we created:  Building Memories Tags.  Just cut or punch with a tag punch.  Use a single whole punch and add to the ornament.

Enjoy your Christmas crafting!


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