When I found out I was pregnant with Paige, my first task was to find a new OB as my previous doctor was no longer practicing. A new hospital had recently opened not far from us and I knew they had a maternity ward so I started my search with the doctor’s office located at the hospital. It was definitely the right decision. From my first visit, the office seemed very different from the other offices where I have been a patient. The front desk staff was always friendly and helpful, the nurses were great and both my doctor and the other doctor in the office seemed to take the time to make sure everything was going well at each visit. In fact, my whole experience was so good that I began thinking of ways I could show my appreciation. I eventually settled on creating Hershey Bar wrappers that I could attach to chocolate and deliver at my follow-up appointment. They were easy to make and assemble and not too expensive. I put them in a cute gift bag, added a birth announcement and shared them with the staff.
I made these wrappers so they can be used for any occasion or recipient – maybe you will use them for something other than a doctor’s office thank you!
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