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Writing Strategies Menus

These writing strategies menus are designed to help you find strategies to match the needs of the writers in your classroom during writing workshop.

These writing strategies menus are designed to help you find strategies to match the needs of the writers in your classroom during writing workshop.

You will find these free download of strategy menus at the bottom of this post.

As we have worked through helping teachers find ways to create a dynamic writing workshop that changes to meet the needs of their students, we have created a set of strategy menus.

The materials we are sharing here are a part of our creating a Dynamic Writing Workshop collection that we created in conjunction with our presentation at NAESP in 2018.

FREE Writing Strategies Menus by The Curriculum Corner

These strategy menus for writing are designed to help you as you focus on the traits of organization, voice, ideas, word choice and writing fluency.

You will find a strategy menu for each area of focus.

Each menu will contain a set of strategies that you can use as you are looking to help your writers.

Along with the ideas we are providing, you will also have room at the bottom of each menu to add additional strategies.

We envision these strategy menus being added to at PLCs as you discuss ways to help your students. As you meet with your grade level team and work to discuss ways to help your students, add new strategies to your menus.

As you add to the menus, be sure to share across grade levels so you can continue to grow your available strategies.

We realize that these menus are not a comprehensive list of strategies, instead they are a starting point to get you thinking. If you have additional strategies, it would be great if you shared your ideas in the comments below!

You can download this free set of strategy menus here:

Strategy Menus

If you are in need of additional materials to help you create a dynamic writing workshop, you will find them here:
Creating a Dynamic Writing Workshop

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Planning a Dynamic Writing Workshop - The Curriculum Corner 123

Saturday 14th of July 2018

[…] Writing Strategy Menus – This collection of strategy menus is designed to help you assist your students when you find needs either during conferencing or whole group instruction. […]