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Long Division Resources (1-Digit Divisor)

Long Division:  Dividing by a Single Digit Divisor | Center Activity | Practice Pages | Problem Solving Cards | Links to four great division videosThese resources are meant to help students practice long division skills.  They address fourth grade math CCSS for Operations.  We have included number cards & a recording page for a quick center or partner-check activity, 12 story problem cards and a practice page of problems.

Long Division Draw-a-Card Activity – For this activity simply print, cut and laminate the Divisor and Dividend cards.  We have color coded the cards so that the yellow cards are the divisors and the blue cards are the dividends.  (Students will need to be familiar with how to check division using multiplication.)  Place the cards in two separate stacks.  Students draw one of each to create a problem.  They record the problem in the box on the recording sheet, and then solve the problem.  Then they can either self-check using multiplication in the adjacent box OR have a partner check their work using multiplication.

Divisor & Dividend Cards     Recording Page

Story Problem Cards –  Before using these cards, students need to be familiar with interpreting remainders in story problems.  They need to be able to look to the story within the problem to determine what to do with the remainder.  This is a set of 12 division story problem cards (answers with and without remainders).  Print, cut and laminate for a center, Scoot game or quick Exit Ticket.

Practice Pages – Six different practice pages for students.

Without Remainders          With Remainders

With and Without Remainders

Here are some engaging videos we found we think your students will enjoy:

Do your kids need help remembering the steps?  Check out The Long Division Song by Mr. Peters.  It’s definitely catchy!  Long Division Song

Mr. Duey also illustrates the steps to long division using a rap and a Smartboard.  The beat will get your kids rapping along.  Mr. Duey – Long Division  (Also includes tips for dividing by decimals.)

Math Antics is a good choice if your students need the division process explained by another teacher.  Sometimes when kids are stuck, it helps to have another explanation.  Check it out here:  Long Division by Math Antics.

 Karl Roemer’s “Long Division Song”  is another great option if you are looking for a way to help your students remember the steps of division.  We like that this song includes real life applications for division.

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