This printable multiplication chart collection will help you in assembling just right tools for math fact mastery.
Our printable multiplication chart collection will help you find the perfect math tools for your students.
You will be able to choose from a variety of layouts and color options.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.

Take a look at this assortment of free, printable multiplication charts and printable multiplication tables to help your students in the classroom.
What is a multiplication chart?
In case you are a nonteacher looking for assistance for your child, let’s start with the basics.
A multiplication chart is a table that shows the products of two numbers.
The factors are listed on the top row and side column of the table. Follow each to where they meet and that will give you the product of the two numbers.
How can this tool help?
While we do believe that memorizing math facts is an important part of math, sometimes students need help during the process.
(We know some people debate the need to memorize facts – we feel that having a good foundation of basic facts is helpful when it comes to more complex math problems. Research supports this theory as well!)
Use this tool as a chart as students are working on math fact mastery. Students who do not yet have their facts mastered, can still learn the new skill being taught with a little support.
While trying to learn how to multiply two-digit by two-digit numbers, students who do not have full mastery of multiplication facts can get stuck. They might spend more time determining a fact than learning the steps.
Our Times Tables Collection
This set contains a range of resources to help you find the tools that will help your students.
We have broken our charts into three sets:
- Factors to 5
- Factors to 10
- Factors to 12
Each of these sets contains a full page chart. You will find a page with four on a page for factors up to 5 and factors up to 10. (Sorry – factors up to 12 just wouldn’t fit with four on a page!)
There are also pages with missing products. Students can practice their multiplication facts by filling in the missing solutions.
The final piece of each chart set is a blank page. Students can complete the chart for more practice.
More about our free multiplication chart collection
The blank chart can also be used for students working on a specific fact family. You can have them fill in all of the answers for the facts they are working on.
The final piece of our multiplication chart collection is a range of printable multiplication times tables pages.
These are divided into fact families. There are sets with number 1 through 10 and sets with numbers 1 through 12.
You will find completed pages and pages for students to write in the products.
The final two pages provide spacing so that you can cut apart each table. You can use these as a quick check for students working on a specific fact family.
These times table pages can also be printed on bright card stock and laminated. Cut apart the tables to create practice strips. Give students the fact family strip they should be practicing.
Or, place a complete set on a ring.
Along with the black and white version of each chart, we have included a selection of pages in color. Each of the completed charts and times tables will be found at the end of the collection with color accents.
You can download this free set here:
Looking for additional multiplication fact resources?
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Terms of Use
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
*Updated* Multiplication Timed Tests - The Curriculum Corner 123
Thursday 12th of December 2019
[…] Multiplication Chart Collection - The Curriculum Corner 123 says: December 11, 2019 at 9:41 am […]