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Order of Operations Task Cards (Set 2)

Use these order of operations task cards for a math center activity or as a SCOOT game.  (This is our second set of these cards, however this set does not contain variables.)

FREE Order of Operations task cards for 5th grade from The Curriculum Corner

You can download this free order of operations set by clicking on the bold, blue words at the bottom of this post.  Both color and black & white versions are provided.

FREEBIE Order of Operations task cards for 5th grade from The Curriculum Corner These cards are designed to be used with students who have already been taught the correct order of operations, but still need some practice or review activity.  The first slide is a visual reminder of PEMDAS (parentheses/brackets, exponents, multiply, divide, add & subtract) to place at the math center or to display in your classroom.

This set of order of operations task cards set has 20 cards.  Unlike our first set, these problems contain no variables.   Also included is an assortment of recording sheets so you can modify assignments as needed for different students.  At the top of each page is a place for students to record their assigned task number cards.   For example, some students might complete all of the odds for a sampling of tasks.  Other students might be focusing on a specific skill and be assigned to complete only a specific set of problems.

When using as a SCOOT game, use the page of boxes provided.  This game is meant to get students up and moving.  Place a card at each student’s seat or at various places around the room.  Students pick a spot and are given a set amount of time to complete the problem.  The teacher then announces “SCOOT” and children rotate in a predetermined route or direction (or randomly) and complete another task card in a different spot.

Order Operations Task Cards

Order Operations Task Cards (Black & White)

If you would also like our first set of task 28 task cards that contain variables you will find them here: Order of Operations Green Task Cards

We also have an Order of Operations Brochure that might fit your focus!

Order Of Operations With Exponents And Variables Worksheets – Worksheets Access

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[…] Order of Operations Task Cards Use these task cards as a SCOOT game or a task card. […]