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Working with Decimals Cards & Activities

This free collection contains a large set of decimal cards with printable activities to help you create a rotating decimal center.

This free collection contains a large set of decimal cards with printable activities to help you create a rotating decimal center.

Get ready for a decimal center you won’t have to recreate each week! Our goal in creating this collection was to make your life a little easier.

Create your math center by printing on card stock and laminating for durability. 

Place your cut out cards in a basket. You can choose to supply your students with all of the cards or choose the cards that fit the place value you are currently focusing on. 

Be sure to choose the cards to fit the needs of your students! Students who are using the cards for review might be ready for the entire set but those just learning will need a smaller assortment without the larger numbers.

Within this collection you will find:

  1. A wide range of decimal cards (along with a few whole numbers.) You will also find an assortment of symbols to be used with these cards.
  2. Task cards – these can be chosen based on what your class is currently studying. Or, if this center is being used for review, provide a wide range of task cards.
  3. Printable pages – we have created 39 pages covering a range of skills. Choose the pages that fit your students. Within the set, you will also find five blank pages that you can add your own directions to.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner. Please copy and create for your classroom. Share this link with your fellow teachers. You may not sell or modify and sell these materials. 

You may also choose to create two sets of cards. Students can play a memory game or a war card game. 

You can download this free decimal collection here:
Decimal Center

Decimals Collection w/ White Background

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Wednesday 11th of September 2019

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