This root practice, prefix practice & suffix practice for fourth and fifth grade students will help you introduce and review word parts in the classroom.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from The Curriculum Corner.
Download this free root practice, prefix practice and suffice practice for fourth and fifth grade classrooms.
This collection is designed to help you teach and review word parts in your intermediate classroom.
This assortment includes a variety of options for you to teach your students about Greek & Latin roots, root words, prefixes and suffixes.
There are three different downloads available.

How to teach root words, Greek & Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes
This first resource is an instructional PowerPoint.
You will find definitions as well as examples and a few interactive class brainstorming slides.
How the PowerPoint Will Work:
- Save and open this PowerPoint file.
- You can then select “reading view” so that the PowerPoint will display correctly on your interactive white board.
- To transition between slides, simply click on each slide.
- You will be unable to make changes to the background. It is possible to change the wording to fit your specific needs if you desire.
- You can also edit slides for changes, duplicate slides to create more examples or delete slides you don’t feel are needed for your students.

Printables for root practice, prefix practice and suffix practice
The second resource is our printable collection. We have provided a variety of assessment, practice and center activities to help students understand and master their understanding of root words, prefixes and suffixes.
The printables begin with “I Can” standards for classroom display. We have included the statements that match 4th and 5th grade standards.
There is a set of 24 task cards you could use at a center, with a small group or even as a SCOOT game. These come with a recording page for answers and an answer key.

The assessment pieces within the printables can be used for pre and/or post assessments in your classroom.
There are six Quick Checks for you to choose from.

You will also find charts for students that can be added to reading or word work notebooks. There are five different pages so you can choose the ones that work best for your learning goals.
Finally, we have provided a set of Exit Tickets in case you want to do quick checks for understanding throughout your teaching of roots, root words, prefixes and suffixes.

PowerPoint Game for Practicing Root Words, Prefixes & Suffixes
Set up this PowerPoint presentation on your student computers for morning practice or during literacy centers. This is also a good option to use if you have a smart board in your classroom as a whole group discussion activity.
How the PowerPoint Will Work:
- To play, students click on the words in the title slide (first slide) and they will be taken to the first question.
- If the question is answered correctly, students will receive slide giving them some affirmation and praise.
- They then click on the wording and are taken to the next question. (Students must click on the actual text for the slides to correctly work.)
- When students answer a question incorrectly, they will reach some type of “Try Again” slide and will need to click on those words to be taken back to the original question for another chance.
- The game is created so that the final slide is linked to return to the first slide.
Click on the following links to reach the three resources described above:
Instructional PowerPoint Presentation
Student Practice PowerPoint Game
The font used on the PowerPoints is KG I Need a Font. If you wish to make changes to suit your needs, you will need this font downloaded on your computer.
Looking for additional word part resources? Try these freebies we have created:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Prefix Printables & Resources - The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6
Tuesday 23rd of February 2021
[…] « Roots, Prefixes & Suffixes Instruction Pack […]
Colleen Van Tighem
Tuesday 16th of February 2021
How can I get these to work for me? The font does not relate... thanks
Jill & Cathy
Wednesday 17th of February 2021
Hi! The free font you will need is called KG I Need a Font. You can download it here:
Root Words - The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6
Sunday 19th of August 2018
[…] We also have this newer, free set: Roots, Prefixes & Suffixes Instruction Pack […]