This collection for prefix practice, suffix practice and root word practice is designed to fit into your second or third grade classroom.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.
Help organize your prefix practice, suffix practice and root word practice in the classroom with the help of these free resources.
This collection of resources will help you build your students’ word part skills in your classroom (root word, suffix, prefix focus).
This assortment includes a variety of options for you to teach your students about root words, prefixes and suffixes.
Our materials will fit into your second grade and third grade word work.

There are three different downloads available.
This resource has been newly updated to include versions that can be printed without the colorful backgrounds in order to help you save ink.

Teaching about Root Words, Suffixes & Prefixes
(An Instructional PowerPoint)
The first resource is a PowerPoint presentation you can use to introduce root words, suffixes and prefixes.
You will find definitions as well as examples and a few interactive class brainstorming slides.
To use: Save and open this PowerPoint file.
You can then select “reading view” so that the PowerPoint will display correctly on your interactive white board.
To transition between slides, simply click on each slide.
You will be unable to make changes to the background but you will be able to change the wording to fit your needs.

Printables for Root Words, Suffixes & Prefixes
The second resource is our printable collection.
You will find a variety of assessment, practice and center activities. These will help students understand and practice their understanding of root words, prefixes and suffixes.
First, you will find anchor charts for prefixes and suffixes. There are two. One contains four common prefixes along with meanings. The second contains four common suffixes along with meanings.
The printables have “I Can” standards for classroom display. We have included the statements that match 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade standards.

The assessment pieces within the printables can be pre and/ or post assessments in your classroom.
There are charts for students that can be added to reading or word work notebooks. We have included versions that are completed. Others are meant for students to fill out.
“Show the Word” pages ask your students to draw the meanings of words containing prefixes or suffixes.
A second version first asks students to create a word by adding a suffix or a prefix to a root word and then to illustrate the word.
The first center set we have provided is on a polka-dot background. This set of cards includes words with prefixes and suffixes along with their definitions. You might include all of the cards or only the prefix or suffix cards depending on your classroom focus. Students can match each word with the definition.

The second prefix and suffix center set is on a striped background. To prepare this center, print and laminate these two striped pages. Next, laminate and cut apart the paint splat cards. The student’s task is to place the word card on the matching sentence on the striped boards.

PowerPoint Game for Root Words, Prefixes & Suffixes
Set up this PowerPoint presentation on your student computers for morning practice or during literacy centers. This is also a good option to use if you have a smart board in your classroom as a whole group discussion activity.
To play, students click on the words in the title slide (first slide) and they will be taken to the first question. If they answer the question is, students will receive a slide giving them praise. They then click on the wording and will go to the next question. (Students must click on the actual text for the slides to correctly work.)
When students answer a question incorrectly, they will reach some type of “Try Again” slide. They will need to click on those words to be taken back to the original question for another chance.
The final slide will return to the first slide.
Click on the following links to reach the three resources described above:
Instructional PowerPoint Presentation
Student Practice PowerPoint Game
The font used on the PowerPoints is KG Miss Kindergarten. You will need this font downloaded on your computer.
You might also like these free resources designed for intermediate students:
Thank you to PrettyGrafik Design on etsy for the cute background papers.
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Word Work Homework for Any Words - The Curriculum Corner 123
Wednesday 29th of May 2019
[…] Roots, Prefixes & Suffixes Collection […]
Friday 26th of April 2019
This was SO HELPFUL and amazing, thank you!!!!
Amber L. Cece
Tuesday 22nd of January 2019
absolutely awesome