This fully editable student data binder will help you with progress monitoring and data tracking in your classroom.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
This fully editable student data binder will help you create a system for data tracking and management in your classroom.
As showing student growth has become an important aspect of teaching, creating student data binders or folders is becoming more common.
We know there are many student data collection methods, we are sharing one we created.
We have updated our previous collection of forms and expanded their reach. You will also find that all of our forms are provided as a PDF and an editable PowerPoint file.

How to Set up your Student Data Binders
The wide variety of forms we have included should help you begin to pull together meaningful folders or binders for student data tracking.
Use our pages to set up your own simple data binders or adapt our materials to create a more complex data system that follows students through school.
As a teacher you might decide to have students be responsible for tracking their own data or you might be in charge of tracking data and share with your students when appropriate.
The decision is yours depending on the purpose of having data folders in your room.

Choosing Forms for your Student Data Binders
To decide on the forms that will fit your class best, begin by thinking about why you are creating these data folders. Make sure the pages choose fit your needs.
Thinking through the purpose before beginning will make sure the binders are meaningful. If helping children master sight words is not a goal in your classroom, skip these pages and find a different reading tool that works better for you.
Using Data Binders in your Classroom
- These folders can be used as important pieces of a parent teacher conference. Compiling student work samples can help you share with parents how their child has grown or what struggles they are working on overcoming.
- Data binders can be a meaningful tool during PLCs. Use your binders as a place to collect evidence that a new strategy is or is not working.
- These can be an important part of helping students set and reach goals. Charting growth can give students the visual they need to see how they are progressing.
- These data tracking sheets might also be useful for special education teachers looking to track IEP goals.

Notes about these student data tracking pages:

Student Mission Statements Have students begin the year by writing their own mission statements. Use the first form to help students make notes and form their ideas. They can then create a poem like mission statement by transferring their ideas to the outline form.

Long Term Goal Setting- Reading Use our graphs for student goal setting. Pick the system you use and copy one for each student. Students color in the bar graph to show their current level.
During a reading conference, set a goal with students for the following month. Mark the goal with a colored line. At the end of each month, have students update their goal sheet with the current level.

100s Chart: This form can be used for math facts or Fry words.
After taking a 100 problem timed test, students can color the number of problems they answered correctly. The following month they can choose a different color to color in their new total.
The same can be done with a list of 100 Fry Words.
RTI Forms: You will find forms that are designed to help you plan and track interventions in the classroom.

Reflection Forms: These include simple forms with faces to color in for younger students and more in depth forms that involve more writing for older students.

Ideas for Dividing up your Binders
Use dividers with tabs to create sections in your binder.
Some sections you might include could be:
- Goal setting
- Student work samples
- Teacher observations
- Progress monitoring
- RTI documenation
- Notes

For this collection, we are providing the PowerPoint and PDF versions so you may edit as needed. Download here:
We have a commercial use license for KG Fonts but you will need the following fonts downloaded on your computer if you plan on editing the PowerPoint version: Janda Closer to Free and KG Primary Penmanship.

Add colorful binder covers to your data binders with these: Editable Binder Covers.
You will find conferencing forms, running record forms and other reading workshop materials here: Editable Reading Management Binder.
You might choose to include calendar pages to document growth. Different versions are available here: Printable Calendar Pages.
You will find Fry Word checklists for monitoring student Fry Word progress here: Fry Word Checklists.
We have also created Fry Boxes for students to self assess their Fry Word knowledge. These can be found here: Fry Word Checks.
If your state still uses Common Core, you may also add our “I Can” Checkboxes to data folders: Everything “I Can” Common Core.
You will find our additional teacher binder materials here:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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